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Economics and Statistics Website : Regional Economic Performance PSA Indicators
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Regional Economic Performance PSA indicators

A - Productivity

A1 - Gross Value Added (GVA)
A1a - GVA per head (nominal)
A1b - GVA per hour

B - Investment

B1 - Business investment by broad sector for UK and foreign owned companies
B1a - Manufacturing investment by UK owned companies
B1b - Manufacturing investment by Foreign owned Companies
B1c - Services investment by UK owned companies
B1d - Services investment by Foreign owned Companies
B1e - Other investment by UK owned companies
B1f - Other investment by Foreign owned companies
B1g - Total Investment by UK owned companies
B1h - Total Investment by Foreign owned companies

C - Innovation

C1 - Business Enterprise Research and Development as a percentage of GVA
C2 - Gross Domestic Expenditure on Research and Development as a percentage of GVA
C3 - Proportion of enterprises with co-operation arrangements on technological innovation activities with other enterprises or institutions
C4 - Proportion of sales accounted for by new or improved products

D - Skills

D1 - Highest qualifications of adults
D1a - Number of adults qualified to NVQ Level 1 or above
D1b - Number of adults qualified to NVQ Level 2 or above
D1c - Number of adults qualified to NVQ Level 3 or above
D1d - Number of adults qualified to NVQ Level 4 or above

D2 - Qualification levels of young people
D2a - 16-19 year olds qualified to NVQ Level 2 or above
D2b - 19-21 year olds qualified to NVQ Level 2 or above
D2c - 19-21 year olds qualified to NVQ Level 3 or above

D3 - Proportion of employees receiving training in the last 4 weeks

E - Enterprise

E1 - Total entrepreneurial activity
E2 - Business start-ups (VAT registrations) per 10,000 adult population

F - Competition

F1 - Value of exports of goods (£m)

G - Employment

G1a - Employment rate
G1b - Unemployment rate
G1c - Unemployment - ILO & claimant count