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Total Investment1 by foreign-owned companies (£m)

Region ONS Code 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Average 1998_2003
North East A 859 721 716 985 1,101 985 895
North West B 802 649 965 993 992 1,048 908
Yorkshire & the Humber D 375 473 901 742 738 1,088 720
East Midlands E 726 526 683 747 702 844 705
West Midlands F 1,082 789 1,179 1,452 962 - -
East of England G 1,607 1,187 1,863 1,210 1,124 1,166 1,360
London H 1,548 2,403 2,464 3,118 2,530 - -
South East J 2,774 2,308 3,873 2,872 2,842 2,826 2,916
South West K 647 552 952 1,109 1,007 872 857
England 064 10,420 9,607 13,597 13,229 11,997 13,005 11,976
Wales 220 527 436 443 468 - - -
Scotland 179 2,810 1,988 2,401 2,809 2,566 3,268 2,640
Northern Ireland 152 243 227 243 257 - - -
UK 213 14,001 12,258 16,685 16,762 - - -
Source: Annual Business Inquiry (ABI), Office for National Statistics

"-" disclosive data
1. ABI data omit some parts of the Services and Other categories. Please see ABI section of the National Statistics website for more on methodology (
Trend Chart