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Other investment1 by foreign-owned companies (£m)

Region ONS Code 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Average 1998_2003
North East A 73 67 16 135 121 146 93
North West B 11 13 21 40 22 25 22
Yorkshire & the Humber D 11 8 110 12 9 169 53
East Midlands E 37 45 39 39 83 148 65
West Midlands F 5 17 33 20 23 - -
East of England G 197 372 437 172 206 200 264
London H 837 784 346 1,110 1,158 - -
South East J 896 293 164 261 278 287 363
South West K 85 3 81 67 223 200 110
England 064 2,152 1,601 1,248 1,856 2,123 2,845 1,971
Wales 220 7 12 47 6 - - -
Scotland 179 1,899 1,506 1,526 1,722 1,864 2,660 1,863
Northern Ireland 152 3 4 3 3 - - -
UK 213 4,062 3,123 2,823 3,587 - - -
Source: Annual Business Inquiry (ABI), Office for National Statistics

"-" disclosive data
1. ABI data omit some parts of the Services and Other categories. Please see ABI section of the National Statistics website for more on methodology (
Trend Chart