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  New Construction Orders


New Orders in the Construction Industry

****          Change in responsibility for the production of these statistics          ****

From 1 March 2008 the Office for National Statistics has taken responsibility for the production of these statistics. The first publication produced by the ONS will be on Thursday 13 March 2008. Along with all future publications, it will be available from the following link:


The Orders for New Construction information bulletin is issued monthly and is also available by post or by email distribution. For further information contact Paul Bergin on 020 7215 2912 or email [email protected]. Some further background information is available at

The Large Contracts bulletin and additional regional, county and district level tables are available here.

Timetable of Publication Dates

In line with the National Statistics Protocol on Release Practices, a publication timetable and details of those given pre-release access are given below. Links to the publications will be activated at 09:30 on the day of release.

January 2006 9 March 2006
February 2006 6 April 2006
March 2006 11 May 2006
April 2006 8 June 2006
May 2006 6 July 2006
June 2006 3 August 2006
July 2006 7 September 2006
August 2006 5 October 2006
September 2006 2 November 2006
October 2006 7 December 2006
November 2006 11 January 2007
December 2006 8 February 2007
January 2007 8 March 2007
February 2007 5 April 2007
March 2007 3 May 2007
April 2007 7 June 2007
May 2007 5 July 2007
June 2007 2 August 2007
July 2007 13 September 2007
August 2007 4 October 2007
September 2007 1 November 2007
October 2007 13 December 2007
November 2007 10 January 2008
December 2007 7 February 2008

The following list shows those people who receive copies of the Statistical Press Releases on Construction Output and Employment and Orders for New Construction ahead of publication. The pre-release access list is the same for both Releases, and in each case the Release is made available 40.5 hours ahead of publication.

Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
Minister of State for Competitiveness, BERR
Permanent Secretary, BERR
Director General, Enterprise and Business Group, BERR
Director of Business Relations, BERR
Chief Economic Advisor, BERR
Chief Adviser on Statistics, BERR
Director, Construction Sector Unit, BERR
Head of Section, Construction Market Intelligence, BERR
Press Officer, Construction, BERR
Special Adviser to the Secretary of State, BERR
Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister
Governor of the Bank Of England
Head, Economic Briefing Unit, HM Treasury


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Page last updated on 02 March, 2008  at 11:05:33