Section 3 Deprivation10. Income Support claimantsTables 10(a) to 10(e) break down the proportion of people claiming Income Support (IS) benefit. Table 10(a) covers the number of IS claimants as a proportion of 16-59 year olds from November 2003 onwards. Tables 10(b) to 10(e) break down the claims for IS by broad client group, namely, Pension Credit, Disabled, Lone Parents and 'Other' claimants. Northern Ireland figures are not directly comparable with the rest of the UK due to differences in data collection. Please see Definitions for explanation and for details of the introduction of Pension Credit in October 2003. In November 2006, London had the highest proportion of the 16-59 population claiming IS than any other region in Great Britain, at 7.7 per cent. The next highest proportions were in the North East and North West, with 7.6 per cent for both regions. The Northern Ireland figure was 9.7 per cent. Since November 2003, the South East has consistently had the lowest proportion of IS claimants, with the figure standing at 4.1 per cent of the 16-59 population during November 2006. These patterns have been prevalent among the regions before and after the introduction of Pension Credit in the autumn of 2003. Chart 10 shows that London has a higher proportion of IS recipients claiming Lone Parent IS (3.3 per cent of the 16-59 population) than regions. Chart 10