Enterprise Directorate SME Statistics: Business Survival Rates |
Business Survival RatesThe DTI uses VAT registration and de-registration data to estimate the survival rates of new businesses. Enterprises that register for VAT are tracked until they de-register, and the survival rate is the percentage that are still registered at a certain point in time. Survival rates of VAT-registered enterprises: key results paper
( This paper contains “headline” figures on the survival rates of UK enterprises registering for VAT between 1995 and 2004. It also compares survival rates across regions, sectors, rural/urban areas and deprivation quintiles. Survival rates of VAT-registered enterprises: data tables
( Data tables giving survival rates of enterprises registering for VAT between 1995 and 2004 for each local authority/council area/district council area and each industry sector (1-digit SIC) in the UK, by Rural and Urban Area Classification for each region in England and Wales and by Index of Multiple Deprivation quintile for each region in England. A guidance note explaining the
methodology of the 1995 to 2004 series is also available ( Please note: this publication will not be repeated in 2008. Updated estimates will be available, at the very earliest, in early 2009. For further information on these statistics please contact [email protected] |