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Enterprise Directorate SME Statistics: Business Survival Rates
IMPORTANT: This page will no longer be updated but has been retained to avoid broken links.

These statistics are now published by the Enterprise Directorate of the Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform. The latest information can be accessed at


Business Survival Rates

The DTI uses VAT registration and de-registration data to estimate the survival rates of new businesses. Enterprises that register for VAT are tracked until they de-register, and the survival rate is the percentage that are still registered at a certain point in time.

Survival rates of VAT-registered enterprises: key results paper ( 160 kB – published February 2007, URN 07/693). The paper is also available in HTML format.

This paper contains “headline” figures on the survival rates of UK enterprises registering for VAT between 1995 and 2004. It also compares survival rates across regions, sectors, rural/urban areas and deprivation quintiles.

Survival rates of VAT-registered enterprises: data tables ( 1017 kB – Revised to include North Tyneside - 19 February 2007)

Data tables giving survival rates of enterprises registering for VAT between 1995 and 2004 for each local authority/council area/district council area and each industry sector (1-digit SIC) in the UK, by Rural and Urban Area Classification for each region in England and Wales and by Index of Multiple Deprivation quintile for each region in England.

A guidance note explaining the methodology of the 1995 to 2004 series is also available ( 240 kB - published February 2007). The guidance is also available in HTML format.

Please note: this publication will not be repeated in 2008. Updated estimates will be available, at the very earliest, in early 2009.

For further information on these statistics please contact [email protected]

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