Table 1(b)(i) - Gross disposable household sector income per head1
Index (UK = 100)

GO Region/Country

  United Kingdom2 North East North West Yorkshire and the Humber East Midlands West Midlands East of England London South East South West England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
1995 100 87.8 92.5 92.5 93.0 92.4 106.4 119.8 110.9 100.5 101.4 90.3 95.8 88.0
1996 100 87.2 92.3 92.3 92.8 92.0 106.7 120.2 112.2 100.3 101.6 89.0 95.4 86.7
1997 100 86.7 92.3 92.2 92.5 91.7 106.6 121.0 113.4 99.9 101.8 87.7 94.7 85.8
1998 100 86.0 92.1 92.3 92.2 91.4 106.4 121.9 114.2 99.6 101.9 86.9 94.0 85.5
1999 100 85.4 91.9 91.7 91.6 91.2 106.6 123.0 114.6 99.5 102.0 86.5 93.3 85.2
2000 100 84.9 91.5 91.4 91.4 91.2 107.1 123.2 114.7 99.1 102.0 86.5 93.2 85.0
2001 100 84.7 91.1 90.7 91.7 91.0 107.9 122.7 114.9 99.3 102.0 86.9 93.2 84.7
2002 100 85.1 91.1 90.8 92.3 91.0 108.2 121.5 114.4 99.5 101.9 87.6 93.9 85.3
2003 100 85.2 91.1 91.1 93.2 91.1 107.8 121.2 113.7 99.7 101.8 88.1 94.1 86.0
2004 100 85.5 91.4 91.5 93.9 91.4 107.4 120.5 112.9 99.6 101.7 88.6 94.3 86.8
20053 100 85.5 91.8 91.9 94.3 91.4 106.9 119.6 112.5 99.8 101.6 89.2 94.5 87.1
Table 1(b)(ii) - Gross disposable household income - � per head1
� per head

GO Region/Country

  United Kingdom2 North East North West Yorkshire and the Humber East Midlands West Midlands East of England London South East South West England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
1995 8,557 7,516 7,918 7,913 7,961 7,904 9,104 10,251 9,490 8,604 8,679 7,723 8,199 7,530
1996 9,030 7,870 8,339 8,333 8,383 8,310 9,633 10,853 10,130 9,061 9,174 8,033 8,612 7,831
1997 9,581 8,306 8,840 8,835 8,865 8,783 10,211 11,593 10,865 9,567 9,751 8,406 9,072 8,219
1998 9,946 8,549 9,158 9,178 9,169 9,087 10,587 12,121 11,360 9,906 10,135 8,640 9,346 8,501
1999 10,357 8,844 9,514 9,494 9,482 9,450 11,044 12,737 11,864 10,301 10,564 8,958 9,659 8,828
2000 10,906 9,261 9,979 9,964 9,972 9,949 11,681 13,439 12,509 10,806 11,124 9,433 10,168 9,270
2001 11,588 9,810 10,560 10,514 10,628 10,547 12,509 14,223 13,320 11,508 11,819 10,070 10,800 9,819
2002 11,930 10,147 10,874 10,834 11,008 10,854 12,909 14,495 13,652 11,868 12,151 10,456 11,199 10,176
2003 12,409 10,576 11,304 11,306 11,559 11,303 13,376 15,039 14,104 12,367 12,630 10,932 11,682 10,668
2004 12,773 10,920 11,673 11,687 11,993 11,670 13,722 15,396 14,424 12,718 12,990 11,322 12,047 11,086
20053 13,279 11,356 12,186 12,197 12,522 12,133 14,198 15,885 14,941 13,258 13,494 11,851 12,554 11,564
1 The headline regional GDHI series for this publication have been calculated using a five point moving average.
2 Excluding Extra-Regio.
3 Provisional.
Source: Regional Accounts, Office for National Statistics