I IntroductionThis is the sixth edition of Regional Competitiveness and State of the Regions, formed by the amalgamation of two separate publications: the Regional Competitiveness Indicators and the Regional Development Agency (RDA) ‘State of the Region’ Core Indicators. At the same time as combining these two publications a number of changes were introduced. Consultants (SQW Ltd and Oxford Economic Forecasting) recommended 11 core indicators for RDA Evaluation and Performance Monitoring. Those incorporated in the combined indicator set (with their table numbers) are:
Information on waste indicators is available on the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) website http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/statistics/waste/index.htm and bird population statistics are available from the Sustainable Development Unit’s website http://www.sustainable-development.gov.uk/regional/ Statistics which previously appeared in the State of the Region Core Indicators, but which do not appear in the combined set (either because they were not recommended by SQW for inclusion, or were not already part of the Regional Competitiveness Indicators) are: Proportion of the population with above average living conditions Following a consultation exercise carried out during winter 2001/2002 further small changes were made. The most significant change was dropping figures for Investors in People (IIP), which were reported to be among those least used. Statistics on regional recognitions for IIP can be found at www.iipuk.co.uk.
A further consultation on productivity indicators at the national and regional level outlined a revised set of 12 indicators based on the five key drivers of productivity, in relation to the Regional Economic Performance Public Service Agreement (REP PSA) target, responsibility for which is held jointly by DTI, HMT and DCLG. Those incorporated in the combined indicator set (by relevant driver and with table number) are:
These indicators will also be available at Further comments on the content and layout of Regional Competitiveness and State
of the Regions are welcome and should be sent to Steven White, at the address
given on the first page of this report. II AimsThe aim of the Regional Competitiveness Indicators was to present statistical information that illustrated the factors that contributed to regional competitiveness. They were not intended to measure the performance of the Government Offices or the devolved administrations, but were designed to assist those responsible for developing regional economic strategies. The ‘State of the Region’ Core Indicators (as developed by SQW) were originally designed to measure progress towards sustainable economic development, skills and social regeneration and to provide monitoring and evaluation guidance for the RDAs. There are 17 indicators in this publication, intended to give a balanced picture of all the statistical information relevant to regional competitiveness and the state of the regions. The DTI also publishes UK Productivity and Competitiveness Indicators. These are
designed to compare our economic performance with that of other advanced
economies and to measure the UK’s progress in meeting the challenges of raising
productivity. They are used in the DTI to inform policy analysis including
policies aimed at meeting the joint HM Treasury and DTI target of reducing the
productivity gap. The latest edition can be found at:
http://www.dtistats.net/competitiveness5/ III General CommentsWhere data are available on a consistent basis they are presented for Government Office Regions and for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. For ease of expression, the term ‘region’ is sometimes used in the text to refer both to Government Office Regions and to the devolved administrations. Each of the indicators is described in turn, including explanations as to how it
is compiled and what it measures. The tables relating to each indicator can be
found in Annex 3. Technical and methodological issues associated with the
indicators are described in Definitions (Annex 1).