A - Output & Productivity
Table A1a - Real GVA per head growth
rates (adjusted by ONS GVA National Price Deflator)
(Source: BERR calculations derived from Regional Accounts, Office for
National Statistics)
Table A1b - Regional GVA per head relative to the EU15 average, compared
using Purchasing Power Parities
(Source: EUROSTAT)
Table A1c - Headline Residence Based
Gross Value Added (GVA) per head at current basic prices (£ per head)
(Indices, Source: Office for National Statistics)
Table A1d - Headline Residence Based
Gross Value Added (GVA) at current basic prices (Total GVA £ million)
(Source: Office for
National Statistics)
Table A1e - Headline Workplace based
Gross Value Added (GVA) per head at current basic prices (£ per head)
(Source: Office for
National Statistics)
Table A1f - Headline Workplace based
Gross Value Added (GVA) at current basic prices (Total GVA £ million)
(Source: Office for
National Statistics)
Table A1g - Gross Value Added per hour
(Indices, Source: Office for National Statistics)
Table A1h - Gross Value Added per filled
(Indices, Source: Office for National Statistics)
Table A1I - Gross
Domestic Household Income
(Indices and value data, Source: Office for National Statistics)