Enterprise Directorate: Small and Medium Enterprise Statistics for the UK and Regions

Small and Medium Enterprise Statistics Public Consultation

Small and Medium Enterprise Statistics for the UK and Regions 2008 were published on Wednesday 14 October 2009. The SME Statistics were released later than usual this year. This allowed improvements to be made to the publication following on from the National Statistics Consultation.

BIS has now published the government response to the consultation on Small and Medium Enterprise Statistics for the UK and Regions. As a result of the consultation some changes were made to the methodology and the format of the SME Statistics 2008. Full guidance on these changes is published alongside SME Statistics 2008.

The SME Statistics will now include regional data within every annual release. This is a change from the past situation where regional data was produced only every two years. SME Statistics 2008 therefore includes regional data.

For more information on the changes to SME Statistics 2008 and future editions of SME Statistics please see the consultation document.

Content of the Small and Medium Enterprise Statistics

The SME Statistics include data on enterprises of all sizes, but contain more detail on enterprises in the smaller size-bands.

Data tables show the number of businesses, employment and turnover, in each category, broken down by the number of employees. Table 1 shows private sector, Table 2 shows Whole Economy - i.e. private sector / Government / non-profit, Table 3 shows companies / sole proprietorships / partnerships, and Tables 4-7 show breakdowns by the Standard Industrial Classification, with 7 being the most detailed. Where regional data are available, they appear in Tables 8 to 24.

SME Statistics 1994 to 2008

  Data Tables
(Excel spreadsheet)
UK Statistical Press Release (Adobe PDF) Regional Statistical Press Release* (Adobe PDF) Methodology Note (Adobe PDF)
2008 Click here (1330 kb) Click here (196 kb)   Click here (190 kb)
2007 Click here (1190 kb)# Click here (125 kb) See UK Statistical Press Release Click here (99 kb)
2006 Click here (652 kb) Click here (75 kb) Not available* Click here (69 kb)
2005 Click here (1 mb) Click here (56 kb) Click here (45 kb) Click here (66 kb)
2004 Click here (649 kb) Click here (51 kb) Not available* Click here (62 kb)
2003 Click here (1 mb) Click here (131 kb) Click here (42 kb) Click here (141 kb)
2002 Click here (635 kb) Click here (45 kb) Not available* Click here (23 kb)
2001 Click here (940 kb) Click here (148 kb) Click here (148 kb) Not available
2000 Click here (582 kb) Click here (121 kb) Not available* Not available
1999 Click here (859 kb) Click here (151 kb) Not available Click here (132 kb)
1998 Click here (856 kb) Not available Not available Not available
1997 Click here (458 kb) Not available Not available Not available
1996 Click here (403 kb) Not available Not available Not available
1995 Click here (341 kb) Not available Not available Not available
1994 Click here (43 kb) Not available Not available Not available

* Due to resource limitations the regional statistics used to be only produced every other year. They are now produced annually.

# This file was replaced with an amended version on 15/10/2008 to correct the data and presentation of tables 9 and 13.

A WinZip file is also available here (2 mb) which contains the data tables from all the publications on this web site.

For further information, or to provide feedback, on these statistics please contact [email protected]

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Last updated on 06 November, 2009 at 16:10