EA Questionnaire


Released at the beginning of each month, the Economic Assessment provides a commentary on UK and World economic developments, and provides analyses of key economic issues relevant to the DTI’s work. The Economic Analysis Team in the Strategy Unit would be grateful for your feedback on this product, and welcome suggestions on how to tailor it to better meet the needs of DTI officials and Ministers.

Please complete the questionnaire by filing in the relevant boxes and then return it by clicking on the submit button at the end of the form. If you wish to remain anonymous, please leave the name field blank.

If you have any queries please contact::
Heather Holt on 020 7215 6375

To begin with, please tell us  your name (optional)

In which area do you work?


What is your job role?
Operational Researcher
Policy Advisor
Other (please state)

The Survey

Question 1 - In this edition there have been a number of formatting changes compared to previous editions, do you have a preference for either format?

Old format 
New format
No preference

Question 2 - Do you find the content of the EA:

Too detailed/technical?
About right? 
Not detailed/technical enough? 

Question 3 - How often do you usually read each section of the EA?

Every month Most months Some months Never
Cover note
UK Article
World Article
Special Article
Statistical Annex

Question 4 - How useful do you find each section of the EA when you read it?

Very useful Useful Not very useful Not at all useful
Cover note
UK Article
World Article
Special Article
Statistical Annex


Question 5 - What do you use the information from the EA for? (select all that apply)

To assist policy development
To inform briefing lines
To provide background information for your work area
To provide general information for your own interest
Other: please state:


Question 6 - What does the EA add that can’t be obtained from other sources?
(select all that apply)

Summary of key monthly data
Commentary on key monthly data
In-depth look at key issues in plain English
A DTI relevant perspective on the state of the UK/World economy
Other, please state:

Question 7 - If you were interested in obtaining more information on an issue covered in the EA, how likely would you be to follow it up with the authors?

Not Likely


Question 8 - How useful do you find the EA?

Very useful
Not very useful 
Not at all useful 
 And why?

Question 9 - Please give any additional comments on the EA in the box below, including, for example, any suggestions of topics for future special articles or ideas for additional features or coverage:

Please tick this box if you are willing to be contacted to answer follow up questions


The questionnaire is now complete, please click on the submit button to send