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  The latest national statistics on Energy Trends and Prices produced by the Department for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform were released on 28th August 2008 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority.  
  Statistics on monthly production and consumption of coal, electricity, gas, oil and total energy include data for the UK for the period up to the end of June 2008. Statistics on energy prices include retail price data for the UK for July 2008, and petrol & diesel data for August 2008, with EU comparative data for July 2008. The latest release updates the statistics previously released on 31st July 2008.
  To access the latest release click on the relevant table link below.
Subject and table number Title
Total Energy  
1.1 Indigenous production of primary fuels
1.2 Inland energy consumption: primary fuel input basis
2.4 Coal production and foreign trade
2.5 Coal consumption
2.6 Stocks of coal
3.10 Indigenous production, refinery receipts, imports and exports
3.11 Stocks of petroleum
3.12 Refinery throughput and output of petroleum products
3.13 Deliveries of petroleum products for inland consumption
4.2 Natural gas production and supply
4.3 Natural gas imports and exports
5.3 Fuel used in electricity generation by major producers
5.4 Electricity production and availability from the public supply system
5.5 Availability and consumption of electricity
6.1 Average temperatures and deviations from the long term mean
2.1.1 Retail prices index: fuel components
2.1.2 Retail prices index: fuel components, relative to GDP inflator
4.1.1 Typical retail prices of petroleum products and a crude oil price index
5.1.1 Premium unleaded petrol prices in the EU
5.2.1 Diesel prices in the EU
  Please note that the links above will always direct you to the latest data release. If you are interested in archived data please contact BERR ([email protected])

Further information on the statistics on energy trends and prices is available at:



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